With the industry’s best distribution IT experts, we provide digital technology based
IT services which could lead the 4th Industrial Revolution.
System Operation
With years-worth of experience in retail industry and exceptional human resources, we provide the most reliable IT system operation and maintenance in industry.
Fast and automated advanced IT service
Meets the evolving expectations of customers
Flexible response to new business
Provides a working environment of the highest quality
Cost savings and productivity innovation
Uses the latest IT technologies
Provides the best possible solution
Fosters innovations for business process
All-year-round uninterrupted service
Responds preemptively to risks (DR/Redundancies)
Control tower for resolving service breakdowns
Impeccable data protection
Diagnosis management by experts
Physical/Technology protection measures have been implemented.
Areas of Specialization
[Direct Purchase Retail business]
[Commercial Real Estate business]
[Storeless, online retail business]
[Fashion and Home Furnishing business]
[Food and Beverage business]
[Construction business]
Key Systems and Services
Partner/tenant contract management
Product registration management
Order management
Order placement/imports and exports
Logistics, quality inspection
Store and sales management
Customer relationship management
Retail shelf planning (POG)
Culture center management
Call center management
Broadcasting and contents management
Sales Support
POS system
Cashier management
Material procurement planning
Franchisee/tenant management
Website and app management
Data Analysis
Demand forecasting
Logistics, quality inspection
Common Services
Human Resources
Enterprise Portal (groupware/messenger, etc.)
Control tower (service/infrastructure/security)
Broadcasting and contents management
Construction project and procurement
Smart construction safety management
Service Innovations
Shinsegae I&C reinvents its systems, operations, and services optimized for businesses.
Service Innovations
Migration to PaaS (Platform as a Service)
Business systems leveraging the latest digital technologies . DevOps, MSA, AI/ML, RPA, data science, SAP ERP and more
Training experts in information technology and business